Careers Information

Snowfields Academy Careers logo

Please click on the links below to view the relevant careers information.

students parents / carers
teachers employers
events documents


Careers are embedded throughout the curriculum at Snowfields.

As part of careers week 2023 students at Snowfields have been able to access, learn and engage with a wide variety of careers including Food scientists, Journalism, professional sports person, health professionals and careers that create or utilise AI in the workplace to name a few.

As a student at Snowfields Academy you will all have access to a Unifrog account that you can access whenever you need to.  This platform allows you to search for careers and education routes as well as keep up to date with the latest LMI (Labour Market Information). It also allows you to track and record interactions and engagements with employers and further education providers.

The students also engage in a feedback form, which can be found below.

Careers Feedback form

parents / carers

Our Schools Careers Link Governor is Elaine Clark.

Elaine has been on the board of governors this the start of the academic year.

Please click on the link below to look at the Compass Assessment for Snowfields Bearsted that was completed by the Careers team and the Education people in March 2023. 

Compass Assessment March 2023

Parents, you are able to access the Unifrog platform at home with your child on any internet enabled device by getting them to login to their Unifrog account. Their username is their school Gmail account. You can access the careers library and support your child in conversations about careers and potential next steps.



To ensure pupils, their parents and carers, are informed and prepared to achieve aspirational next steps into adulthood and the world of work. 

Strategic Objectives

  • All students, parents, carers and teachers have access to careers information, advice and guidance.  
  • All students are accessing and engaged in a meaningful and developmental Careers Education curriculum programme.  
  • All students’ transition to a variety of positive destinations.

Current Snowfields status of the Gatsby Benchmarks

View the Gatsby Benchmarks at Snowfields

Long Term Action Plan Overview

All students, parents, carers and teachers have access to careers information, advice and guidance. 

  • Accessing and using accurate, impartial and tailored information about the different options post-16 and post-19 is vital to choosing a next step that meets the students’ full potential and is most likely to lead to a successful outcome.
  • GB1
  • GB2
  • GB3
  • GB4
  • GB8

What will success look like (Targets)? What do we need to achieve?

  • Establish a working partnership with the Education People and Careers services to identify the different services and provisions in the local area. 
  • The IIC programme has been identified as a worthwhile investment for Snowfields; progress can be seen of Snowfields working towards meeting all the relevant criteria.
  • Careers leaders at Snowfields will have ensured that Unifrog is rolled out to all students and that parents are informed of the platform and given logins if they want to have them.
  • All students will engage in Unifrog activities in well being time every Monday.
  • Positive feedback from IAG meetings using anecdotal, proformas, parent/carer/student feedback indicates the role is having positive impact. 
  • Destination data indicates that a range of IAG is being given to students & parents.
  • Carry out teaching staff CPD to enable them to provide informal IAG within class context which ensures an impartiality. 
  • Review the role of Unifrog to establish next steps and succession planning. 
  • Develop a Careers Champion responsible for ensuring subject display areas are up to date and providing relevant information to enable a whole school approach to careers. 
  • Review IAG practice with other schools to identify next steps.

All students are accessing and engaged in a meaningful and developmental Careers Education curriculum programme.

  • To ensure students are fully prepared for life after school and for participating in everyday life, careers education provides a platform for students to develop a wealth of transferrable skills for the world of world.

What will success look like (Targets)? What do we need to achieve?

  • Student’s use of Unifrog is now part of the school language and routine at Snowfields.
  • Annual staff, student, parent and employer evaluations are collated and the action plan for 22/23 is amended accordingly.
  • Written impact case studies based on destinations are visible on the school website and on display in the school. 
  • Unifrog platform is being used to track progress for community based work experience. 
  • Whole school development plan for enterprise has been produced and shared. 
  • Quality in Careers Standard accreditation has been awarded.
  • Data from Skillsbuilder and case studies enables us to evaluate the work experience programme and establish next steps.
  • Evidence for Learning in KS4 and KS5 demonstrates the Careers Education Framework is being delivered in classes.
  • Enterprise to be audited and next steps established.
  • Monitor and evaluation the Evidence for Learning data for the last three years of pupil engagement in the Careers Education framework in Years 11 & 13 (for comparison).
  • In light of the above, whole careers strategy evaluation and review. Achievements highlights and celebrated.

All students’ transition to a variety of positive destinations. 

  • Ensuring students transition to the differing right destinations ensures students are on the right pathways for their future aspirations. This would hope to broaden students, staff and parents/carers expectations and aspirations.

What will success look like (Targets)? What do we need to achieve?

  • Staff CPD around discussions with parents in Upper School and 6th Form regarding future long term destinations during EHCP Annual Reviews.
  • Maintaining 100% engaged in EET.
  • At least one student (c.5% of year group) has transitioned to an alternative destination other than a local FE college.
  • Futures (careers) Fair for all school community to develop knowledge and understanding of services available post-16 and post-19. 
  • Development of resources and visuals to support staff during EHCP Annual Review discussions regarding future aspirations. 
  • Maintaining 100% engaged in EET.
  • At least 10% of year group has transitioned to an alternative destination other than a local FE college. 
  • Maintaining 100% engaged in EET. 
  • Pupil, parent/carer and staff voice indicates they have a growing breadth of knowledge of varying destinations.


We would love to have you on board!

If you would like to come into school to deliver a workshop about your business or the industry you work in, or would be able to offer work experience within your place of business for some of our students please contact one of our Careers Team by email.


Click on the links below to view the relevant careers documents.

View the Careers and Provider Access policies View the Making it Meaningful checklist