Online Safety


  • Always tell your child to keep their password secure.
  • Make sure they are using a password with letters and numbers which cannot be guessed.
  • Encourage your child to speak out If they suspect someone knows their password, and get it changed straight away, so they are not blamed for what happens on their  account.
  • Make sure your child doesn’t share their password with anyone, even a close friend.
  • Encourage your child to not have a password which could be easily guessed, such as your favourite colour, or your favourite football team.

It is a CRIMINAL OFFENCE to use someone else’s password. if you are over the age of ten (Computer Misuse Act 1990).

Please refer to the What parents need to know about personal data guide.


  • Make your child aware that any and all emails that they send are their responsibility.
  • Make your child aware to be mindful of their language. Remember everything can be traced back.
  • Make sure they delete any suspicious emails and report these.
  • Remind them, Don’t send (or forward) emails which may cause other people offence or anxiety.
  • Remind them, Don’t open any suspicious emails from someone they don’t know.

If you are over the age of ten, it is a CRIMINAL OFFENCE to send words or pictures which are offensive, obscene, threatening, or intended to cause distress. (Malicious Communications Act 1988/2003).

This unkind behaviour is a serious offence and goes against the Snowfield values.

Website Surfing

The use of search engines can be a great tool for students to independently find information.  All Trust schools utilise a filtering system to protect students when online at school. These filters are constantly maintained to block new web sites as they appear. However, no filtering system can be perfect and you should know what to do if inappropriate material appears on your screen.

  • Remind them to immediately close any screen or tab which contains inappropriate material if it appears.
  • Encourage them to report this to the teacher.
  • Remind them, Don’t try to search for inappropriate sites or images. The monitoring software will track your activity and may report it to the system manager.
  • Remind them, Don’t attempt to bypass the school’s internet filters. Accessing `Proxy sites` is forbidden.

If you search for ‘proxy sites’ it must be assumed that you were trying to hack past the filters and access sites that have been banned. You will lose access to your device and be spoken to by one of the behaviour leads.

Before any Snowfields student can go online, they must sign a user policy. Attempting to go on inappropriate sites, including proxy sites is a breach of that agreement and will result in access being withdrawn. Students who access the internet (or send emails) during lessons, when they should be working on other things will also have their access withdrawn.

Please refer to the following guide.

Social Networking

Social media sites are blocked on the school network and students are not permitted to attempt to access or use Social Networking sites.

Remind them to report this to the teacher.

Video Clip sites/Vlogs

Sites such as Youtube & TikTok encourage students to post video clips. Some of the clips are very funny but many are tasteless. However, nothing posted on the web should identify Snowfields Academy or an individual student or member of staff. It would not be acceptable for example, for images taken in school, images of teachers, or of students in Snowfields Academy uniform to appear on these sites. This is why camera phones are not allowed in school.

Golden Rules for Safe Social Networking Online

  • Never give out Personal Information about yourself or your friends, which might allow someone to identify you.
    You should always use a false name for yourself and friends. Most teenagers enjoy making up names for themselves online and they will know their friend’s online names, too. Unfortunately, all too often students accidentally identify themselves elsewhere on their webpage. For example, if you post a photograph, you should not identify the school you are from or even the town. The school uniform must not be in the photograph. You should not indicate, (for example), which club you visit on Saturday mornings, or where you play football. Don’t post your mobile phone number, or private messaging address. Any of these things could allow someone to find you and follow you (or your friends) home.
  • Don’t instantly trust people you meet on the Internet.
    They may not be who they say they are. Sadly, there are plenty of people surfing the net seeking the trust of young people in order to groom. In particular, be suspicious if they want your private chat address (MSN messaging, etc.). Do not give it out or agree to go into a private chat line with someone you do not know.
  • Report any Suspicious activity or Abuse.
    If something online makes you feel scared or uncomfortable, report it to an adult you trust such as your parents or a teacher. Do not report it to someone you met online! You can also report abuse at ThinkUKnow.
  • Never arrange to meet with someone you have met online.
    This can be extremely dangerous, because you don’t know who they might be. (If you really want to make contact with them, it must be with your parents and in a public place.)
  • Manage your Website Responsibly.
    If anyone leaves offensive language or unpleasant bullying messages, on your web site, delete it. Learn how to block people you don’t know or like from access to your site. Post a message on your site saying that your site is a ‘Bully Free Zone’ and that any abuse will be reported.

We all have something to learn. National Surveys show that:

  • Nearly half of young people (47%) have received intimidating, threatening or nasty messages online
  • Children and young people are using social media for longer periods, and using multiple profiles
  • Underage (U13) use of social media is common place
  • There is a connection between intensive social media use and mental ill health.
  • Of children currently experiencing a mental health problem, over 2/3 (68%) say they experienced cyberbullying in the last year.

Useful Links

Reporting Abuse

Misuse of the school network or any breach of the school’s Internet use policy should be reported to a teacher. Remember, network activity is monitored and recorded and you can be traced.

If anything or anyone online makes you feel suspicious, uncomfortable, bullied or pressurised, you can and should report the abuse. You can:

  • Talk to a teacher, a TA, your parents, or any adult you trust.
  • Report abuse to CEOP, (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) 
  • Contact Childline at their website or telephone them on 0800 1111.