school statement
Snowfields Academy has a dedicated aim to ensure that as many students as possible are able to progress on to either higher education or into secure employment. In order to ensure this all students have access to a variety of career opportunities and support structures which provide access to impartial careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) from Year 7 to Year 13. Students are supported to make informed choices and decisions about their future, develop their skills, knowledge and experience to enable them to enter and be successful in the world of work and their future lives.
We coordinate work related learning opportunities including work experience and employer links, while working closely with all subject areas and providers to ensure students receive current, up to date information and experiences of work and labour market information. Students have access to the Unifrog platform where they are able to independently research current labour market information and advice on the relevant qualifications needed to progress into a specified industry.
All students have access to independent careers advice and guidance, particularly at key transition stages.
During Key transition periods during Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 students will have access to 1:1 meetings with an independent careers advisor. They will have the opportunity to discuss the things about the world of work that interest them and put an action plan together to identify the different paths or next steps students can take towards this. Currently Jacky Moran is our careers advisor and will be working with us moving forwards.
programme of study
Students engage in weekly Unifrog sessions during Well being time. The Programme covers the 6 Unifrog areas of;
- Grow throughout life
- Explore Possibilities
- Managing a Career
- Create Possibilities
- Balance
- See the Big Picture
Students will also cover key life skills and knowledge as part of their weekly PSHE and Life Skills lessons during Key Stage 3 and Occupational studies lessons as part of Key Stage 4.
student entitlement
At Snowfields Academy we aim to prepare each student to aspire to and fulfil their career aspirations, supported by:
- Clear and impartial information, advice and guidance, primarily provided through the Unifrog platform.
- Clear impartial advice and information about all the options available so that informed choices and decisions can be made.
- Appropriate and relevant advice and guidance to help make choices and seek to develop a career plan for the future.
- A programme of careers education embedded through PSHE, Life Skills and Wellbeing sessions to help identify and develop skills and qualities to support the transition from school into the world of work and/or further learning.
- Personal support and information on progress.
Students have the opportunity to:
- Be involved in decision making
- Learn about the world of work
- Experience the world of work
- Develop independent learning skills
key school outcomes
At Snowfields Academy we aim to ensure that every student has access to a wide and broad offer of learning opportunities through careers, embedded through:
- Investor in Careers – As an ambitious school we are seeking to achieve the IIC Quality in Careers standard over the next two academic years.
- Impartial Careers Information – At Snowfields we utilise the Unifrog platform for all students to access impartial and current labour market information. Students are able to access this platform at school or at home and can keep a track of their progress and career related interactions throughout their school life. We have employed a qualified and experienced Careers advisor to ensure that throughout Key Stage 4 students have the opportunity to speak on a one to one basis with an impartial advisor and identify a potential pathway for them. Students are then provided with an action plan based on the outcome of these conversations which is shared with families.
- Careers Education – Students have access to a careers programme that is embedded throughout the subjects of Life skills, SPHERE and Well being sessions during our core value of Work Hard. Subject teachers also embed career aspirations and opportunities throughout their subjects across the key stages. Students engage in careers week during module 4 where lessons are tailored and framed around subject specific careers opportunities.
- Careers Advice and Guidance – At Snowfields we utilise the Unifrog platform for all students to access impartial and current labour market information. Students can then discuss their chosen path with the subject teacher in PSHE, Life skills or their form tutor during weekly wellbeing sessions.
- Employer Links – At Snowfields we work closely with the Education People who provide a variety of community links that our students can engage with either on site or by attending off site trips. We also have an External Advisor, Lyndsey Gallagher, from the Gallagher group, that has years of industry experience and is keen to support our students as they progress into the world of work or training. We are currently working with Gallaghers to identify potential opportunities for in house and off site work experience.
- Work Experience – At Snowfields we fully recognise the importance and value of meaningful work experience opportunities for our students. As a new school we have spent much of our first year seeking to build relationships with local employers or businesses, with a view to build work experience opportunities for our young people in the future.
Whilst off site work experience is vital, we at Snowfields also benefit from our onsite – Infinity Cafe, where students have the opportunity to interact and serve members of the public in a variety of roles, extending their experience of real working environments. Young people with Autism are hugely misrepresented in the employment sphere, and it is our duty to provide students with meaningful opportunities to experience, inhabit and enhance the world of work.