Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2020-21

View the Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2020-21 in a new tab

Snowfields Academy Pupil Premium Planned Expenditure 2020-21

Predicted allocation: £11,460

Actual allocation: £10,027.50

Total planned spend: £11,794

Actual spend: £14,041


Train 2 x staff in the Social Use of Language Programme


£2000 for course fees, accommodation, travel and cover

Action and Expected Impact

Staff who have been trained plan and deliver personalised group and individual programmes of intervention to raise attainment in Communication/ Speaking and Listening through use of the SULP programme

Impact (to be completed July 2021)

Unable to attend due to Covid-19

Reallocate budget to well being dog


Purchase Online programmes and train staff to use them to support maths and English development and help close any gaps arising

Literacy: MyOn and Accelerated
Reader £3800 pa
Maths: MyMaths Primary Subscription £339 pa
MyMaths Secondary Subscription £655 pa



Action and Expected Impact

Personalised intervention programmes set by English, Maths Leaders and led by intervention TAs and class teams will address any individual gaps where progress is not as good as expected. English and Maths Leaders to train and support staff to identify and better meet need, and close gaps as they arise

Impact (to be completed July 2021)

Subscriptions were allocated to MyMaths, Mathletics (MyOn to 2021/22) Numicon £250

myON? Accelerated Reader not purchased in year so £3800 spent on library books instead


Local budget identified for immediate costs towards closing any in-year gaps as they arise


£500 for Maths
£500 for English
£500 for Science

Action and Expected Impact

Local costs for resources required to support any interventions

Impact (to be completed July 2021)

As all subjects were well resourced and there was no need to allocate this budget for in-year costs, it was redirected to the purchase of ipods for evidence recording across these subjects


Wellbeing dog


£2,000 +
(£2,000 reallocated from row 1)
£4000 total

Action and Expected Impact

Better outcomes for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged pupils through use of a well being dog to support the most vulnerable learners including EBSAs

Impact (to be completed July 2021)

Willow joins us in July 2021. We will fund training for Jade, her owner, and 3 other staff through the Canine Association


Funds available for purchase of school uniform for families in receipt of PPG in circumstances of extreme hardship



Action and Expected Impact

Phase Directors to nominate pupils throughout the year who would benefit from new/additional school uniform/shoes/bag/coat so they are well dressed and ready to learn

Impact (to be completed July 2021)

Uniform provided for around 5 students who are in receipt of pupil premium. In addition self-care kits were provided for each kitchenette

Uniform costs: £832.55
FSM additional costs: £989.80


Funds available to purchase resources for co curriculum activities and access to learning opportunities outside of the classroom



Action and Expected Impact

Local costs for resources for Forest Schools, community projects and facilities

Impact (to be completed July 2021)

Forest School 20/4-25/8 – £950.00